Mission and Goals
Our Mission:
To advance the common interests of the flood risk management community.
Our Goals:
Promote the viability of the NFIP and private flood markets
Actively engage by facilitating cross-industry work groups, collaborating with industry trades and associations
Provide a unified voice when addressing legislative, regulatory, and other policy issues.
Our Value Proposition:
NFA serves as one voice for the industry on legislative and regulatory issues impacting the NFIP and private flood insurance
NFA serves as a trusted resource for collaboration with other industry stakeholders
NFA maintains a productive relationship with FEMA
NFA collects and disseminates vital data and information to members and other affiliated stakeholders
NFA provides education to key industry stakeholders
NFA promotes high quality, accurate flood data
Antitrust Guidelines:
As the National Flood Association's membership is comprised of competitors, there are antitrust implications inherent in its operations. The linked Antitrust Guidelines govern NFA activities and it is the responsibility of all participants of NFA events and discussions (members and guests) to review, understand and comply with these guidelines.
Board of Directors
NFA holds elections for members of its board each year. We're pleased to have the following industry professionals serving in leadership positions within NFA:
Committees & Workgroups
NFA’s committees and workgroups oversee a variety of initiatives across the organization and strive to provide adequate representation of the association’s broad stakeholder community. For questions about current initiatives and/or to inquire about participating in committee or workgroup efforts, please reach out to the individual(s) listed for the subject group.

Communications Workgroup
Communications Team
Manages NFA’s email communications and content for social media and association website.

Lender Workgroup
Facilitates a forum for discussing regulatory compliance topics related to flood.

Conference Planning
Conference Coordinator
Develops the annual conference program, facilitates attendee registration and hotel logistics and manages the event.